Tuesday, July 19, 2022
format code in dotnet 3.1
Fyne on Windows 7
For a cheap, obsolete environment I got a problem, fyne ui does not see my opengl. I remembered, the same problem appears for WFP, it also does not find hardfare graphics acceleration, but it is possible to run UI in software render mode. So do for fyne
after build app, copy software Mesa3D opengl.dll to folder with binaries, then it works.
This fix these crashes on start:
022/07/19 08:19:09 Fyne error: failed to initialise OpenGL
2022/07/19 08:19:09 Cause: glGetBufferParameteri64v
2022/07/19 08:19:09 At: C:/Users/ep/go/pkg/mod/fyne.
Exception 0xc0000005 0x8 0x0 0x0
signal arrived during external code execution
Fyne Error
Fyne error: window creation error
Cause:APIUnavailable: WGL: OpenGL ES requested but WGL_ARB_create_context_es2_
At: C:/Users/ep/go/pkg/mod/fyne.
I also recomend to compile fyne ui app with reduced drahics features to GLES
go build -tags gles .
Saturday, July 16, 2022
debug magazine archive
71 jounals still available on issuu with great story of netlabels time. debug_mag Publisher Publications - Issuu
For a cheap, obsolete environment I got a problem, fyne ui does not see my opengl. I remembered, the same problem appears for WFP, it also ...
Best hotkey is Ctrl+. it opens dropdown with visual themes and other settings I did not know how to fill properly. Zendapp still availeble ...
71 jounals still available on issuu with great story of netlabels time. debug_mag Publisher Publications - Issuu