Friday, August 14, 2020

Setup Visual Graph Editor in Oracle linux

 Thank you for simplified installing process with snapcraft I can install QVGE for my new Checklists project, I need to architect.

It might be expensive to setup yet another package manager to install one app as same as install second game to a system. I copy scenario from snapcraft here:

sudo dnf install sudo dnf upgrade


sudo rpm -ivh

sudo yum install snapd


sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket


sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap


sudo snap install qvge


Where to find QVGE then:


This graph editor is very promising for every day modeling. I got memory errors with graphviz conversion and opening, I think, I need to wait new version, but nearer graph editor gephi is more scientific and not adopted to manual work with graphs. 

I also should recommend yEed Graph editor, it can be used for prototype product features through multiple components. It is really easy to draw feature vision directly on the meeting.

One I know about these great graph editors, they are producing very complicated files for diagrams. To integrate editor in program flow, I found TikZit is winner. Take a look on this file:

        \node [style=none] (1) at (1.5, 4.5) {};
        \node [style=none] (2) at (0.75, 0) {};
        \node [style=none] (3) at (-10.5, 5) {dd};
        \node [style=none] (4) at (1.5, 4.5) {ss};
        \node [style=none] (5) at (3.5, -3) {};
        \node [style=none] (6) at (0.75, 0) {asdf};
        \node [style=none] (7) at (-6.25, -0.5) {asdf};
        \node [style=none] (8) at (-0.75, -2.25) {};
        \node [style=new style 0] (9) at (-7, 6.5) {};
        \node [style=new style 0] (10) at (-3.25, 5.5) {};
        \node [style=new style 0] (11) at (5, 8.25) {};
        \node [style=new style 0] (12) at (9.5, -1.5) {};
        \draw [bend right] ( to (;
        \draw [bend right] ( to (;
        \draw ( to (;
        \draw ( to (;
        \draw ( to (;
        \draw [style=new edge style 0, bend right=315] ( to (;
        \draw [style=new edge style 0, bend right=75, looseness=4.75] (9) to (10);
        \draw [style=new edge style 0, bend right] (10) to (11);
        \draw [style=new edge style 0, bend right=45, looseness=1.25] (11) to (12);

This elegant markup can produce two vertices with curved edge.

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