Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Nuget sources for MAUI workload

  dotnet nuget add source

 dotnet nuget add source

 dotnet nuget add source

 dotnet workload install maui

dotnet tool install -g Redth.Net.Maui.Check

dotnet tool update -g

Then Run As Administartor Powershell console:


Follow fixes and enjoy this gerat NZ Herald article about Māui hero culture.

Friday, September 24, 2021

nats-steaming-server (STAN) on Ubuntu

 git clone


 go run nats-streaming-server.go -DV -cid stan

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

.Net decompilers for linux

 May be you think is a command line tools and you are right. I only can add, it is possible to run GUI for some decompilers using wine. To do this you need to setup .NET 4.7 and .NET Core 3.1 in wine prefix with winetricks utility.

DisSharp works great, but do not forget to change fonts to available:

Kaliro have missed fonts setup from the box, but classes are listed:



debug magazine archive

  71 jounals still available on issuu with great story of netlabels time.  debug_mag Publisher Publications - Issuu