Friday, May 1, 2020

Ultracheap Pascal gpu on Oracle linux

It is time to setup working environment with Zotac P106-90 GPU as computation unit. I have installed latest CUDA 10.2 toolkit and driver to Orcale Linux without complicated tricks.

1. I download local installer CUDA run file from Nvidia.
2. I have changed my runlevel to multi-user (3) with

systemctl set-default

3. I rebooted to terminal only mutli-user runlevel

4. Trying to run ./ few times, but in /var/log/nvidia-install.log I have seen X server still run.

5. Then I found in NVIDIA instruction I can kill X Server and remove lock file.

kill <process_id>
rm /tmp/.X2.lock

6. After resolve xserver lock I have a message in nvidia-installer.log that Nouveau driver is disabled and I need to reboot to run installation again to replace driver.

7. I repeated the trick with killing XServer process and lock file remove, I successfully install all Nvidia driver, CUDA Toolkit 10.2 and samples.

8. I changed  runlevel back to grapical

systemctl set-default graphical.level

9. I rebooted to DE to check cuda samples works.

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